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Klaus Iohannis: Romania will not send fighters to Ukraine

Klaus Iohannis: Romania will not send fighters to Ukraine
Foto: captură video youtube/administratiaprezidentiala

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 22 Mai 2024, 15:49

President Klaus Iohannis was asked today, at the end of his visit to Piatra Craiului National Park, if he is considering sending soldiers to Ukraine.

"Romania will not send fighters to Ukraine, it's a simple discussion and I think that's the end of it", Klaus Iohannis said.

President Iohannis is visiting Piatra Craiului National Park on the occasion of International Biodiversity Day and on the margins of European National Parks Day, which will be marked on 24 May.

Translated by: Radu Matei

Etichete : klaus iohannis ukraine
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