EU agreement on future research and innovation program
Commission estimates that Horizon Europe will increase EU's GDP and create up to 100 000 jobs in R&I activities for 2021- 2027.
28 Martie 2019, 11:50
European Union’s future framework program for research and innovation is taking shape. EU Member States' Ambassadors meeting in the Council's permanent representatives' committee (Coreper) have confirmed on Wednesday common understanding between Romania’s EU Council Presidency and European Parliament, as part of an overall compromise on Horizon Europe package, next EU framework program on research and innovation for 2021-2027.
Romanian Minister for Research and Innovation, Nicolae Hurduc: Innovation is the only way for EU to maintain a strong, sustainable and competitive economy. Today's confirmation of the common understanding on Horizon Europe will help ensure timely launch of the new programme in January 2021. Text will provide our researchers with clarity on EU's priorities in the field and our citizens with certainty that we are listening to their concerns.
Horizon Europe framework program lays down objectives and structure of the program, ways in which program will be funded and rules on how funding will be provided. It is EU’s flagship program to support R&I from concept to market uptake, and complements national and regional funding.
Program will be based on three complementary and interconnected pillars. First pillar (Excellent science) will support excellent basic science. It will strengthen EU’s scientific leadership and develop high-quality knowledge and skills. Second pillar (Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness) will support research which addresses societal challenges and industrial technologies in areas such as health, security, digital and key enabling technologies, climate, energy, mobility, food and natural resources. Alongside these areas, a limited number of research missions and partnerships will be introduced. Any given mission will contain a portfolio of research activities. Third pillar (Innovative Europe) will focus on scaling up breakthrough and disruptive innovation by establishing European Innovation Council. The latter will offer a one-stop-shop for high-potential innovators.
In addition to these three pillars, there are provisions to improve the program's delivery for widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area. These include measures to support Member States in making the most of their national research and innovation potential. Regulation specifies the EU Member States which will benefit from actions aimed at widening participation.
Common understanding between EU Council and European Parliament contains a number of improvements compared to the Commission proposal. It stipulates that, under certain conditions, European Innovation Council may also provide grant-only or equity-only support. On missions, agreed text not only sets out more detailed conditions but also provides a list of areas for possible missions and partnerships. Member States' decisive role on defining research and innovation priorities is acknowledged. Finally, provisions on widening participation are reinforced.
Pending an overall agreement on next EU Multiannual Financial Framework, common understanding does not cover any provisions with budgetary implications. It does also not cover provisions on third countries' participation and on synergies with other EU funding programs. Most of recitals will also be part of future negotiations, which will have to take place with the new European Parliament.
Next steps
EU Council expects negotiations with the next European Parliament to resume as soon as possible, with a view to them being finalised on the basis of progress achieved, as reflected in the common understanding. Negotiations will also need to take into account the future overall agreement on Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027.
European Commission presented it’s Horizon Europe package in June 2018. Package consists of proposals for:
1. framework program for research and innovation including rules for participation and dissemination entitled 'Horizon Europe', successor to current Horizon 2020 framework program.;
2. specific program to implement 'Horizon Europe';
3. research and training program under Euratom Treaty complementing Horizon Europe;
4. Council Decision amending Decision 2007/198/Euratom establishing European Joint Undertaking for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER).
Budget for the program will only be finalised once there is an agreement on Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027. Commission has proposed a total budget for the program of 94.1 billion euros.
According to Commission estimates, Horizon Europe will increase EU's gross domestic product (GDP) by an average of 0.08% to 0.19% over 25 years and create up to 100 000 jobs in R&I activities for 2021- 2027.,Consilium