Ascultă Radio România Actualitaţi Live

Royal evening at Radio Romania

The concert offered by the Radio Romania in honour of the Royal House has scored a real premiere , the first Royal Concert hosted by Radio Romania, after 1947.

Royal evening at Radio Romania

Articol de Radio România, 13 Mai 2013, 14:29

In a festive atmosphere in the presence of the Royal Highnesses Crown Princess Margarita and Prince Radu, Prince Nicolae, President –General Manager of SSR , Ovidiu Miculescu , former President of Romania, Emil Constantinescu, numerous ambassadors and personalities of cultural and artistic life, and to a large audience, which made the Concert Hall of Radio Romania to become too small were heard the singings of "the Royal Anthem" that have opened this musical feast at the highest artistic level. The concert offered by the Radio Romania in honour of the Royal House has scored a real premiere, the first Royal Concert hosted by Radio Romania, after 1947.

National Radio Orchestra , under the baton of the Romanian conductor Christian Badea, with the violinist Mihaela Martin and cellist Frans Helmerson, Swedish as soloists has continued the program with "Double Concerto for violin, cello and Orchestra," the final work for Orchestra by Brahms, designed three world-class musicians with no fewer than six exits from the public.

The release of "At your service at all times ...", English Edition

In concert, in the foyer, a second moment to complete the event hosted by the Radio Romania: album "At your service at all times ...", the English-language edition of the book and two CDs, in the excellent translation by Alistair Blyth.

This edition in English is the continuation of the efforts of the general public to return the treasure of documents from the archive of sound Radio Romania and thus becomes, thanks to the publishing house "Radio House", an excellent Ambassador of Romania and the Romanian Radio Broadcasting company for all those beyond the borders of Romania.

President- General Manager of SRR , Ovidiu Miculescu , emphasizes in his remarks on the occasion of the release of this album:

“Romanian broadcasting society was born on November 1, 1928, and the Act of giving birth has been signed by his Majesty the King Ferdinand. Radio Romania began its journey with the blessing of the Royal House.

"The Romanian Public Radio is an integral part of civil society for 85 years. Radio Romania was next to the Royal House of King Michael I of Romania during this time. Radio Romania passed Proclamation the country from 23 august 1944.

" Also at Radio Romania have been countless times when Royal House and his Majesty King Michael has been a frequent presence on the waves and in the publications that the radio edit.

"This volume is more than a historical document, it is a gesture of respect and honor for his Majesty, which Public Radio made him with all my heart.

"It's a natural! Radio Romania remains next to the Royal House. Radio Romania was, is and will be a solid, credible, serious, in the service of the citizen and the public ", stressed President –General Manager of SRR , Ovidiu Miculescu .

In turn, his Royal Highness Prince Radu said those attending the launch:

"Her Royal Highness Princess Margareta and I are pleased that this evening I was able to be present here at this Concert Royal, May 1st after 1947 until the present.

"The three great artists of world-music Christian Badea, Mihaela Martin and Frans Helmerson-along with National Radio Orchestra show that radio and Crown Royal stayed together over time along with some values, and one of these is the quality.

"Romania's Radio and the Royal House was next door in the 85 years in many times.

"One of them is the concert and launch of this evening.

"But we will follow very soon another moment: transmission, from his Majesty King Michael, Nihil Sine Deo" – "for Radio Romania and a gala dinner at the Palace.

"But tonight, it means something: of the many cultural institutions in Romania, Radio Romania stands with a profile that crosses the border.

Radio Romania "has strengthened the Romanian State; Radio Romania served on national security. Proclamation on 23rd August is an example.

"But Radio Romania served the independence, safety and State in all those 85 years of its existence.

"Royal House was closer to the Radio Romania than other media institutions.

"There have been times when the destiny of the country depended on a message and that message was sent by radio waves. This cannot be forgotten by the Royal House.

"I count the numbers until you will be guests and us, hosts. On tomorrow night! "-Hrh Prince Radu, recalling the ceremony which will take place on Sunday, May 12, 2013, the Elisabeta Palace, a ceremony in which the Romanian radio broadcasting Company will be given a Royal decoration" Nihil Sine Deo ".

Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura

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