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Movement restrictions due to amber heat

National Company of Motorways and National Roads(CNADN) temporarily prohibits the movement of vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 7,5 tonnes, between 11:00 and 20:00 on national roads in several counties.

Movement restrictions due to amber heat

23 Iunie 2012, 10:03

National Company of Motorways and National Roads(CNADN), said that, in view of the current heat wave warning, temporarily prohibit the movement of vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 7,5 tonnes, between 11: 00 and 20: 00 on national roads in several counties.

The restriction will be applied Friday for counties: Arad, Timiş, Bihor, Caraş Severin, Mehedinţi, Gorj, Dolj, Vâlcea, Olt, Argeş, Teleorman, Dâmboviţa, Giurgiu, Prahova, Ilfov, Buzău, Ialomiţa, Călăraşi, Constanţa, Tulcea, Brăila, Galati, Bacău, Vrancea, Vaslui, Iaşi, Neamţ, Suceava and Botoşani.

Also Saturday, the target counties are: Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Dâmboviţa, Giurgiu, Prahova, Ilfov, Buzău, Ialomiţa, Călăraşi, Constanţa, Tulcea, Brăila and Galaţi.

More information can be obtained by phone: 021/9360 or by going to the website of the company.

Our correspondent, Ioan Suciu, announced a little while ago that restriction in Arad County is not yet in force because the temperatures are not exceeded 30 degrees, as predicted by meteorologists.

Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura
MTTLC, Bucharest University

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