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Iohannis: The Romanian army is modern and well prepared #RomanianArmyDay

Iohannis: The Romanian army is modern and well prepared #RomanianArmyDay

Articol de Andrei Şerban, 25 Octombrie 2020, 20:45

President Klaus Iohannis participated, this morning, in the ceremony held on the occasion of the Romanian Army Day, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Carol I Park.

The head of state declared that the army, worthy of its past and its heroes, remains, for the Romanian people, the same moral landmark.

The Minister of National Defense, Nicolae Ciuca, was also present at the event in the capital. Andrei Serban reports.

Reporter: President Klaus Iohannis reminded that the Romanian army is modern and well prepared, fulfills the commitments assumed within NATO and contributes significantly to ensuring security in Southeast Europe.

Klaus Iohannis also said that the army offers another type of support, which today is seen in the fight against an unseen enemy, which is the new coronavirus.

Klaus Iohannis: The involvement of the Romanian Army in this national effort since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic has been exemplary. The specialized personnel and the most adequate means at the army's disposal have significantly contributed to the protection and saving of the lives of the citizens and to the limitation as much as possible of the spread of this virus.

Reporter: The Minister of National Defense, Nicolae Ciuca, reaffirmed that the most important resource of the Romanian army is the manpower, which must benefit from modern military equipment.

Nicolae Ciuca: Human resources and the endowment of military technology power go hand in hand and we must have coherent, coordinated and synchronized training programs.

Reporter: At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in Carol Park, the first year military students took the oath, and the Ministry of Defense was decorated by President Klaus Iohannis with the commemorative medal "Centenary of the War for the Unification of the Nation.

Translated by: Radu Matei

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