Ascultă Radio România Actualitaţi Live Digital Assembly 2019

Exclusive interview of Roberto Viola, Director-General of DG CONNECT European Commission, for Radio Romania News:We hope all EU countries will participate.

Articol de Simina Botar, 17 Iunie 2019, 22:43

Digital Assembly 2019, that took place in Bucharest on 13-14 June, has been a forum for stakeholders to take stock of the achievements of the Digital Single Market Strategy, draw lessons and to exchange views on the contours of a future digital policy. The event was also a great opportunity to showcase how digital is transforming our societies and economies, and how it can help bring positive change to our lives. It was co-organized by European Commission and Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

With a full agenda of engaging plenary sessions, parallel workshops and high-level panels the Digital Assembly covered a wide range of current key topics on digital policy.

Four initial thematic workshops laid down the basis of the discussions on:

Digital 4 Planet

Digital 4 Leadership

Digital 4 Jobs

Digital 4 Communities

Exclusive interview of Roberto Viola, Director-General of DG CONNECT - European Commission, for Radio Romania News: "What happened in the 'Digital Assembly' is a very important moment. Europe, signatory states and European Commission have decided to be the safest infrastructure in the world that will allow free data sharing in very secure conditions. It is in the interest of the citizens and of the companies. It will be done with the most advanced existing technology, the quantum one, using photons to create secure keys. In this way, the most important values in Europe will be secured.It is a technology that partially exists, is partially experimented and will be applied at the operational level for the first time. Most of the signatory countries already have small quantum networks, which they test. (…) We hope that all European countries will participate, including Romania, which is very active in the quantum field. Project is supported by the European Commission. Research and development part is now financially supported through the 'Horizon 2020' Program. In the future we will finance this architecture through the "Digital Europe" program.

Event took place in the Romexpo Exhibition Centre, in Bucharest.

Source:RRA,European Commission.Translated by Miruna Matei

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