Restricted ceremony in Suceava, on Bucovina Day

Articol de Radiojurnal, 29 Noiembrie 2020, 02:51
Yesterday, a small ceremony took place in Suceava on Bucovina Day, a holiday instituted five years ago to mark the day on which the union of Bucovina with Romania was proclaimed, on November 28, 1918.
It is, therefore, 102 years since the moment when in Cernauti, the General Congress of Bucovina declared the unconditional union of Bucovina in its old borders, up to Ceremus, Colacin and Nistru, with the Kingdom of Romania.
Three days after this event, in Alba Iulia, the proclamation of the union of Transylvania, Banat, Crisana and Maramures with the Kingdom of Romania took place.
Translated by: Radu Matei