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12,000 cases of illegal logging in Romania's forests in 2017

Mureș, Brașov and Olt - most affected areas.

12,000 cases of illegal logging in Romania's forests in 2017

Articol de Radiojurnal, 15 Septembrie 2018, 23:17

Greenpeace representatives state in a report that last year there were 12,000 cases of illegal logging in Romanian forests, about 32% more than in the previous year.

Most affected areas were in Mureș, Brașov and Olt.

Damage exceeds 41 million lei at national level.

Greenpeace will soon make available to the public the Forest Guardians application, which will be able to report cases of illegal cuts.

According to two other environmental organizations, Romsilva employees are among those who illegally cut trees.

Organizations call on the Ministry of Environment to put an end to exploitation in national parks, and on the Forest Ministry to reopen the Forest Guard online portal, said RRA reporter Bogdan Isopescu.

Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei

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