World Bank forecast "confirms positive trend of Romanian economy"

Articol de Sergiu Şteţ, 19 Iulie 2022, 02:07
Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca says that the World Bank's economic growth forecast at an annual average of 5.2% for the period 2022 - 2030 confirms the "positive trend" of the Romanian economy and its long-term development potential.
"These are the characteristics of a healthy economy, of a progress based on investments, anchored in reform projects and in objectives such as the consolidation of the EU membership status, of NATO, and the accession to the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation", Ciuca transmitted on Monday , according to a post on the Government's Facebook page quoted by Agerpres.
The Chief Executive added that the Government has undertaken to embark on ambitious reforms, with measurable results in the medium and long term.
According to him, the measures taken in the first months of government receive "stage validations" from both national institutions and external fora.
Translated by: Radu Matei