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Venice Commission is concerned about changes to Romanian laws of justice

Amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code seriously weaken the effectiveness of the criminal justice system to fight corruption.

Venice Commission is concerned about changes to Romanian laws of justice
President of the Venice Commmission, Gianni Buquicchio. Photo:

Articol de Mihaela Enache, 19 Octombrie 2018, 21:34

Venice Commission, in an Opinion adopted on Friday, 19 October, expresses concern that many draft amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code in Romania seriously weaken the effectiveness of its criminal justice system to fight corruption, serious offences and organized crime.

Venice Commission recommends that the Romanian authorities conduct an overall re-assessment of the amendments in both codes, through a comprehensive and effective consultation process.

Venice Commission also adopted, with some amendments, the preliminary opinion issued in July on three drafts laws amending existing legislation on the statute of judges and prosecutors, judicial organization and the Superior Council of Magistracy. Preliminary Opinion criticizes that these laws would adversely affect the efficiency, quality and independence of the judiciary, with negative consequences for the fight against corruption.

NOTE. The Venice Commission is an advisory body of the Council of Europe, composed of independent experts in the field of constitutional law.

Source:RRA, Council of Europe

Translated by Miruna Matei

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