The Blonde Avalanche 20 Multinational Exercise

Articol de Gina Bahor, Brăila, 07 Septembrie 2020, 03:47
A multinational exercise began yesterday in Braila, in which over 200 soldiers from various structures from the Romanian Army participate.
The aim is to improve missions to limit and eliminate the consequences of natural disasters. RRA correspondent Gina Bahor has details:
Reporter: The opening ceremony of the Multinational Exercise "Blonde Avalanche 20" took place in the Varsatura training ground, hosted by the 10th Brigade "Lower Danube".
The exercise takes place between September 6-11, with the participation of over 200 soldiers from genius structures in the Romanian Army: the 52nd Battalion "Tisa" from Satu Mare and the 96th Battalion "Bucharest Fortress".
"Blonde Avalanche" aims to jointly train the staff of the multinational genius battalion, with soldiers from partner countries: Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary and specific missions will be planned in order to limit and eliminate the consequences of natural disasters.
September 10 is set to be the day of the Distinguished Visitors, in the Varsatura training ground, where demonstration exercises and military exhibitions will be included.
Representatives of the armed forces of Slovakia and Hungary participate exclusively online.
Translated by: Radu Matei